Sunday, August 9, 2015

"We are all enlisted till the conflict is over, Happy are We, Happy are We."

Sorry I haven't been very good on keeping up with the posts but i will update all the way up til now.

"We are all enlisted till the conflict is over, Happy are We, Happy are We."

Well this has been the theme for me this last week.  Because of many reasons.  
1- People are always late or tell you they are coming but are just lying to you.  It is a cultural thing so it is always happening.  But it is super frustrating. I get very annoyed at this because being late is one of my pet peeves.  
2-  People not keeping committments.   They say they will but they don't.  Agency is the worst sometimes.
3-  Rain!!!! If it ever rains and it really only did for once for like 30 minutes.  People like don't show and everyone just thinks they will die if they get rained on.  It's actually pretty funny.
Well all of this has made me really realize that I need to be happy and positive.  Things could be so much worse.  So I always just smile at people and think of how I can be better.  I'm in a good area, with a good companion and I am having a good time with the ward. Also I'm in Africa a place I have dreamed of coming to ever since I was little. So I definitely am super happy about that. So just focus on the positive so the work is better.  This applies to everyone in life.  If you say it sucks then it will suck but if you try to focus on the positive it will be much better.  But life is good here in Uganda.
Just some cool information about here.  There are schools literally every few blocks.  So many many schools and they usually start at 6:30 or 7 am and end at 5 or 6 p.m.  So it kind of sucks for them.  Also they start school at like the age of 3.  That is so young and it is really hard to believe that.  
Also there are goats and chickens everywhere.  In the middle of peoples yards, on the road, or in the gutters.  Everywhere!!!!
Well thanks for all the support and stay happy on focus on the positive things of life.
Love Lots
Elder Brogan

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