Well another great week in the books. I went on exchanges with a Elder Osei-Tutu and that was fun. I learned a lot from him. He is from Ghana and a super good soccer player. We also had the truck break down this week. The clutch kind of went out on the truck. Because it was already bad before but with a new driver on hills it wasn't that good. So we barely made it up a small hill to the place so we were lucky. But the Senior couple that was here picked us up out there. But we weren't sure if it was going to be done that day or not. We needed it to be because they were leaving to go with their son to do some vacationing around Rwanda. So we were pretty nervous because they normally take forever to get things done or they tell you it is ready and you go out there and it is not. But it was ready thankfully. We had a nice time walking around for half of the day :)
Also this week I have wanted people to succeed so bad. We are teaching really all families and I know how much the gospel can help them in their life they just need to pray and ask God if these things are true and read the Book of Mormon. I want them to succeed so bad :) So really hoping that they will do all of these things. Elder Garrett Brogan- Uganda Kampala Mission
Covering Elder Garrett Brogans adventures while serving his mission in the Uganda Kampala mission which includes the countries of Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Enritea
Monday, February 1, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Amakuddu (Ama-ku-rru)
Can I first just say that I have arrived in the Promised land!!!! Rwanda is so beautiful. I love it here and I really don't want to leave here like ever. :)
Leaving Uganda was rough for me though. Saying goodbye to some members and just to my first area made me super sad. I felt like I was leaving on mission again. Transfers was really good. I got to talk to Elder Schweitzer and say hi to him. Then MLC with President was beyond amazing. He is such a super powerful man. I loved that conference. Then we went and ate at a Chinese Restaurant that was super nice. :) The sweet and sour pork was to die for :) Then the following day while I waited for my plane I just hung out with the AP's. We then all rode together to the airport with President. Because they were flying to Ethiopia. But a really short flight here. It took like 30 minutes. So super short. Also that morning I did have surgery. I got surgery on my toe because I had an in grown toe nail. So I wore sandals on the plane and for my first day here. That was super weird. Then I got here and got picked up by the elders. We went to our super nice apartment (that has maids clean it every day but Sunday) ya I am living the life here. Then we went to a new years party. Great first day here though. I just couldn't believe how clean it was. All the dirt streets were clean as well. Can I first just say that I have arrived in the Promised land!!!! Rwanda is so beautiful. I love it here and I really don't want to leave here like ever. :)
I just have to much on my mind but I am so glad to be here in Rwanda :)
Things about Rwanda
1-Clean: So once a month the whole country goes and cleans. Nobody litters really and even the slums are super clean. So nice :)
2- Thousand hills: So the saying is true about a thousand hills. Getting to peoples houses is a workout for sure. I am always out of breath. They just live everywhere. Big hills to not small ones :)
3-2020 vision: So Rwanda has a goal by 2020 to be the most developed country in Africa. Which that is super possible because they really are working on making things better. They do lots of community service and things to build the community.
I'm loving life and this gospel. I know it is true and I am so glad to be here sharing it :)
Love lots
Elder Brogan
Happy New Years
Well just as the title says Happy New Year and for me there is going to be a major change. I told my family but I am getting transfered. So I will tell the story to you all of how it happened. So Monday before Christmas nobody was really getting transferred because that was when the transfer ended. So we are going throughout are week and it came to Wednesday. So during DDM I got a call from the AP's and then someone from the office. So I had to step out real quick while my companion was giving a powerful training. So Sarah from the office said that I needed to go to the Big Police station right away. We couldn't even finish DDM. So Elder Rogers said that going there only meant one thing I was leaving the country. I about had a panic attack. I just didn't want to leave Nsambya and I thought for sure I was going to Ethiopia. Which wouldn't be bad I just didn't want to leave. So we go there and I look on the paperwork and it said I was reporting to KIGALI RWANDA!!! for missionary work. I about freaked because Rwanda is the bomb. I get to be a 2 country missionary and just go to RWANDA!!! It is way beyond cool. I have heard so many amazing things about it and I can't wait to go. It just ended up being a suprise transfer. But I found out on Sunday night who my companion is. So I am going to be the Zone Leader in Rwanda (only zone leader) and my new companion is Elder Beck from none other than Pocatello Idaho. I am beyond excited and also scared because I have drive. They drive on the same side we do in the USA but the truck I will be driving is stick. If you want to pray Elder Brogan doesn't kill the truck to many times in traffic and doesn't have a panic attack. I have driven stick before in my friends car in a parking lot and I only killed it 4 times. So lets hope I don't do it that many times. :) But super excited to go and be ZL and learn to love the Rwandan people. Beyond excited and scared so I am just numb kind of :)
But other than that this week was great. Christmas day was good. Talking to the family is always good. The others elders were like your family didn't say that much. Which I didn't care because I feel like my family doesn't make calling home a huge deal. It is just like we are calling home from college. But I was just glad to hear their voices and see their faces :) But ya super great day. Also got fed a lot :)
Then to make the week better on Sunday we had to baptisms. Chris who is an older guy from Rwanda. He doesn't speak the best of English but can understand. Then Elenoar who just turned 18. She is going to school for a couple months then she is going to US. She is excited to go through the temple :) But great week and I am excited to go to Rwanda. Still don't know what day I am leaving though. :) Life is just grand.
Next week I will tell you all 3 things about Rwanda.
1-Pineapple: So the pineapple is just delicous here. So so sweet. It is not acidic or bitter like the ones at home. Any time I eat them it tastes like candy. Super good and I wish they could import them back home :)
2-Churches: They are on every corner. So many churches here. People just start them up because they want money or they just want to sing songs. Super crazy. The main churches here are Catholics, Born Agains, and Seventh Day Adventist. So we see many many churches. People always say well I am saved or I'm Catholic. I always say back "Well I am a Latter Day Saint." and you can be one to :)
3-Praise God: When we are walking people always say praise God. Super funny and we just keep walking. They think we should say something back haha. People really love Jesus here :)
Love you all and email you from Rwanda next week :)
Love lots
Elder Brogan
Merry Christmas!!! I just love saying that to people here. They just light up when you say it :) So something that I heard this week about Christmas and I love it. It says "The birth of Jesus Christ is a dream come true." It really is a dream come true. So thankful that God sent his only begotten son to the earth to save me. :)
So just this week was another busy week. First off we have been having some powerful tracting. With finding lots of prepared families and individuals. One family I love has a young kid called Cyrus and he always runs and tells his neighbors that "the two Mzungu elders are coming to share with us today." :) Makes me smile all of the time. :)
Also we finished the 24 week program. So I finished training my son so I am now officially done staying in the house after companionship study. I get to be a real missionary now :) Also the Ward Christmas party was so so good. We had lots of people there and many investigators. I also was busy that day with 4 interviews for the Zone Leaders. The night went by so fast with all of those interviews. Super good people though. Food was good at the Christmas party and I can't wait to make some of the food they make here for you all when I get back home :)
One of the days this week we were having a tough time. Just lots of bounces and not really any lessons. So when we were walking back we heard the song from Annie. Its a hard knock life for us. :) Haha I just died laughing and that made the day all better. It made me super thankful for what I have.
THen this week I realized that mission is short and that I need to get the most spiritual boost I can. So I have been reading all the past conference talks and other things to help me grow. One thing that I want to do when I get back home and I would encourage everyone to do it. Is to always bear your testimony. Share it with anyone that has questions. It doesn't have to be long. Nothing is by coincedence in this life. Maybe God had you meet that someone you are sitting next to right now to share the gospel with. To really help them know that their heavenly father loves them. So always help never hurt. I love this gospel and know it is beyond true. It can guide us back to our heavenly home and it brings us happiness :) Love you all and a Merry Christmas
3 Things about Uganda
1- They have huge woooden spoons. THey make posho which is a cloud like thing made out of flour and water. It is really hard to stir so they have huge wooden spoons for it. I am so glad my mom never knew of these things because I remember the few times getting in trouble and she would use the wooden spoon she had. I would have for sure not been the trouble child I was if she had the spoons that they have here :)
2-Lots of people are buff here. They are buff because of manual labor. Just random people so sometimes I feel like I would never want to be in a fight here :)
3- Uganda is georgous. Look up photos of Uganda. I have only been in the city. But in the East and up North it is beyond geourgous. I can't wait to go to those areas. :)
Love Lots
Elder Brogan
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Ya if you can imagine from my title of my email I am not happy. Well I am happy but also disgusted out of my mind. So right now is rainy season and that also means grasshopper season on nseneney. So they capture them and then fry them and eat these grasshoppers. I have yet and will not try one. I kind of barfed a little when someone put one close to my face. I just will be like the Rwanda members who say that they don't eat bugs. :) So ya they catch these things at night. They put up big shiny tin sheets in 50 gallon drums with lights on them. So then they hit the light and fall down into the barrel. It just doesn't look nice at night. One day during personal study I heard something hit the window and I looked up to see a grasshopper the size of my face just sitting on the windowsill. Oh boy did I freak out. My companion just looked at me weird but the bugs here give me the heebie jeebies. So ya can't wait for this season to be over. Rainy season is nice though.
Also I found out transfer news today and guess what I'm staying here in Nsambya. Also this transfer will just be two transfers together. Like in 6 weeks they won't transfer anyone because the craziness of Christmas season. Also like we have Elders leaving in 3 weeks so they all have tri-panionships. So by Wednesday we will have 5 in our house for 3 weeks. So it will be lots of fun. But I will be in Nsambya for 5 transfers until the 1st of February. That is kind of crazy but I'm so glad for that because I feel like I have barely touched the area.
So this week was a really good week though. I went on an exchange with Elder Berghout who is from Fruit Heights or Kaysville. He is a really good Elder and does a lot of good things. So we when we were closing the night we were talking about mission. And he said that we do a lot of things like tracting and street contacting and teaching to find people but we need help from the ward. But he said we do these things because "So miracles can happen." When we do what we are supposed to and looking for people miracles happen. Which I really made me think a lot and I would have to agree with him. I had a good day with him.
Then we talked to President as well because he told us what we need to do. So Uganda currently has 1 stake. At the end of this month we will have two. It will be in the east in Jinja which is the source of the Nile. But we are close enough to split the Kampala stake into two by the beginning of next year. But we need to get some more baptisms on one side so that we for sure have enough. So President Chatfield was in the army and so he kind of laid down the law on what would happen. He said this isn't a maybe if we try our hardest that will be ok. He said that we have to get the 80 baptisms in the 7 different wards by the end of the year. It is really possible but this makes me super excited. Uganda took 21 years to get 1 stake and then 6 years to get a 2nd. So in 6 and half years there will be 3 stakes in Uganda. This is just so awesome that I will be here for this.
So because of that we are working even harder. We have 12 investigators lined up for baptism and we believe 10 of them for sure will get baptized. So just praying that they all do. We did have a problem come up with one family. There father doesn't want them to be baptized because he says they have already been baptized. I love this family so much and have been praying so much that their dad will let them. He is rarely home so we haven't been able to talk to them but I pray that his heart is softened and that he understands. Just if you want to include anything in your prayers that would be appreciated. Thanks. Really fantastic week and going into another. I have finished 3 transfers now. Super crazy how time flies :) Love you all. .
Love Lots
Elder Brogan
Well this week was another good week. It went by super duper fast again. So I don't have much to talk about this week really. Just some great lessons and just lots of packed days. So first we taught Florence who is a refugee from Congo. She speaks some English but we have a member there to translate some French. But a really good lesson and at the end she talked about the Book of Mormon and how she knows it is true. I felt the spirit so much right then and started to speak and then started to cry a little. Just super powerful lesson. :) Then also the now Recent Convert Harriet got her new wheelchair finally. It made me so so happy. We showed up and something looked fishy then I realized that she had a new wheelchair. Haha so great :)
Also me and my companion have decided that the city Kampala looks like it has had a zombie apocalypse go through it. Another great thing is Christmas decorations are up and also we are listening to Christmas songs. Makes me so happy:) Ya just a great week.
Some great things here in Uganda. Fruit tastes so good. I eat banannas and pineapple all the time. Things are sweeter here in Uganda. Also rain just makes things cool. So I love me my rainy days. Well just another great week ahead. Last week of the transfer. Love all of you
Love Lots
Elder Brogan
Well another fast week gone by. Just being busy and teaching the gospel. So it has been really nice lately because we are in rainy season. So it rains and is usually cool afterward. This week was a great week :)
Tuesday- So we were busy and it also was just pouring rain on us most of the day. But that was just nice. Then also in the evening on the way to an appointment we rescued 3 puppies from the gutter. So we did our good turn daily. :)
Wednesday- Just one of my fav days of the week. We had interviews with President Chatfield. So amazing and he really told me what I needed to hear. He talked to me about how this is the only race in my life where I can go full out the whole time. Also he said that I'm continuing to pick up speed always because this race I have God on my side. Then just told me what he thought I could do better. He really gave me a boost to keep going.
Thursday- So we taught Abel a guy we ran into on the way to another appointment. He is a refugee from Congo. So he knows decent English and then French. But we taught him and it went really well. He had two kids who sat in on the lesson. They are like 2 and 3 years old. But they were the most quiet kids ever. I forgot about them till the end of the lesson when Abel said something to them because they were falling asleep in their chairs. Haha so ya we kind of put them to sleep. Good or bad? You tell me :)
Friday- We met a really Latter day Saint Pioneer. Sister Deborah is the relief society president in the ward and has been a member for like 25 years. So she was one of the first members in Kenya and pioneered the gospel there. She is really amazing and makes really nice food ;) She has 4 kids and 3 of them are in the states at BYU and Utah State going to school. But ya really nice lady and super powerful.
Saturday- We met with Judith's family. We passed her all the time walking to church so we invited her and her family last week and they came. So we are teaching them and they all enjoyed it. So I'm hoping they turn out. She has a 2 year old named precious and I have never seen a chubbier kid. She is just so cute and funny. :)
Sunday- First off Harriet finally got confirmed. She beat us to church this week. So awesome that she is now an official member of the church. Then we found out that we will be watching conference this weekend. Like I can barely wait for it. :) Amazing week to be a missionary. THanks for all the love and support and prayers ;)
Love Lots
Elder Brogan
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